
Välkommen till Vattumannen esoterisk butik & mötesplats sedan 1972 - Fleminggatan 35, Stockholm
Frakt 49 kr inom Sverige. Fraktfritt vid ordersumma över 650 kr

Import 79 kr


44 ways to talk to your angels - connect with the angels love and healing

Ej i lager
179 kr

A Million Little Pieces

Förväntas skickas inom 2-4 veckor
199 kr

An A-Z Guide to Healing Foods: A Shopper's Companion

1 st i lager
149 kr

Ancient secret of the fountain of youth

I lager
149 kr

Angel Visions II

Ej i lager
200 kr

Aura reading for beginners - develop your psychic awareness for health and

I lager
179 kr

Beltane - rituals, recipes and lore for may day

I lager
149 kr

Cellular awakening - how your body holds and creates light

I lager
329 kr

Coloring for insight

Ej i lager
109 kr

Complete book of numerology

Ej i lager
309 kr

Darkside Zodiac

Förväntas skickas inom 3-6 veckor
169 kr

Defy gravity - how to heal beyond the boundaries of ordinary reason

Ej i lager
179 kr

Disappearance of the universe - straight talk about illusions, past lives,

Ej i lager
339 kr

Dissolving the ego, realizing the self - contemplations from the teachings

6 st i lager
129 kr

Endless path - awakening within the buddhist imagination: jataka tales, zen

I lager
179 kr

Energy Secrets: The Ultimate Well-Being Plan

Förväntas skickas inom 3-6 veckor
309 kr

Everyday positive thinking

Ej i lager
149 kr

Experience your good now! - learning to use affirmations

Ej i lager
159 kr

Faeries and elementals for beginners - learn about and communicate with nat

Förväntas skickas inom 2-4 veckor
169 kr

Feeding your demons - ancient wisdom for resolving inner conflict

I lager
179 kr

Finding the still point - a beginners guide to zen meditation

Ej i lager
149 kr

Flowdreaming - a radical new technique for manifesting anything you want

5 st i lager
159 kr

Four acts of personal power - healing your past and creating a positive fut

3 st i lager
309 kr

Give The Gift Of Healing: A Concise Guide To Spiritual Healing

Förväntas skickas inom 2-4 veckor
179 kr

Gospel of the second coming

1 st i lager
159 kr

Gratitude - a way of life

I lager
179 kr

Green drinks - sip your way to five a day with more than 50 recipes for gre

4 st i lager
139 kr

Green Smoothie Magic

Förväntas skickas inom 2-4 veckor
129 kr

Green Smoothie Revolution

I lager
139 kr

Holy shift! - 365 daily meditations from a course in miracles

Förväntas skickas inom 2-4 veckor
239 kr

Hope - a guide to sacred activism

Ej i lager
279 kr

Hypnosis for beginners - reach new levels of awareness and achievement

I lager
179 kr

If You Could See What I See: The Tenets of Novus Spiritus

I lager
289 kr

Imbolc - rituals, recipes and lore for brigids day

Förväntas skickas inom 2-4 veckor
159 kr

Instant happy

I lager
129 kr

Its not the end of the world - developing resilience in times of change

7 st i lager
149 kr

Kabbalah code - a true adventure

Ej i lager
249 kr

Laws of manifestation - a consciousness classic

I lager
199 kr


Förväntas skickas inom 2-4 veckor
99 kr

Little pocket book of crystal tips and cures

Ej i lager
179 kr

Little pocket book of mindfulness - dont dwell on the past or worry about t

I lager
139 kr

Living a life of awareness - daily meditations on the toltec path

Förväntas skickas inom 2-4 veckor
269 kr

Maximize your potential through the power of your subconscious mind to crea

Ej i lager
400 kr

Memories of heaven - childrens astounding recollections of the time before

I lager
159 kr

Mindfulness and surfing - reflections for saltwater souls

Förväntas skickas inom 3-6 veckor
149 kr

Minding mind - a course in basic meditation

4 st i lager
189 kr

Money magnet mindset - tools to keep you and your money on track

Ej i lager
199 kr

Moses code - the most powerful manifestation tool in the history of the wor

Ej i lager
199 kr

One-minute mindfulness : how to live in the moment

I lager
119 kr

Palm Reading for Beginners: Find Your Future in the Palm of Your Hand

I lager
179 kr

Past lives - discover and connect with your past lives to create positive c

7 st i lager
119 kr

Pendulum magic for beginners - power to achieve all goals

I lager
179 kr

Picked Last

4 st i lager
149 kr

Positive vibes - inspiring thoughts for change and transformation

9 st i lager
219 kr

Power of Karma, The

Förväntas skickas inom 2-4 veckor
179 kr

Proof - a 40 day program for embodying oneness

I lager
199 kr

Protected by Angels : Magical True Stories of Angelic Intervention

Ej i lager
159 kr

Question Your Thinking, Change Your World

Ej i lager
119 kr

Raphael's Astrological Ephemeris (2005) Of The Planets' Plac

I lager
69 kr 39 kr

Return to the sacred - ancient pathways to spiritual awakening

Ej i lager
279 kr

Rumi - in the arms of the beloved

I lager
119 kr

Soulution : The Holistic Manifesto

I lager
129 kr

Spellcasting for Beginners: A Simple Guide to Magical Practice

I lager
189 kr

SPIRIT BOARDS FOR BEGINNERS: The History & Mystery Of The Legendary Talking Board

I lager
169 kr

Spiritual awakening - (the easy way)

8 st i lager
199 kr

Spiritual password - learn to unlock your spiritual power

5 st i lager
269 kr

Summers path

Ej i lager
129 kr

Sylvia browne: accepting the psychic torch

Ej i lager
149 kr

Tao Te Ching

I lager
149 kr

Tao Te Ching: A New English Version (Q) (New Edition)

I lager
179 kr

The Journey To The Sacred Garden : A Guide to Travelling in the Spiritual Realms

Ej i lager
400 kr

The Kama Sutra of Vatsyayana

1 st i lager
179 kr

The Love, Sex, and Relationship Dream Dictionary

1 st i lager
179 kr

The Radical Practice of Loving Everyone

Ej i lager
219 kr

Times of our lives - extraordinary true stories of synchronicity, destiny,

6 st i lager
259 kr

Waist disposal - the ultimate fat loss manual for men

4 st i lager
239 kr

Waiting for autumn

7 st i lager
129 kr


Förväntas skickas inom 2-4 veckor
119 kr

What does that mean? - exploring mind, meaning and mysteries

2 st i lager
159 kr

What is your self-worth? - a womans guide to validation

I lager
119 kr

Who would you be without your story? - dialogues with byron katie

Ej i lager
249 kr

Winter Moon Rises

Ej i lager
149 kr

Visions, trips and crowded rooms - who and what you see before you die

Ej i lager
159 kr

Zen is right here

Ej i lager
169 kr