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Realizing The Power Of Now (6 Cd)

1 549 kr
Lagerstatus: I lager
Perhaps you can recall a time when you felt more alive than at any other moment—when you had a sudden recognition of beauty, a feeling of deep contentment, and a sense of connection with life greater than you had ever thought possible. And then, this fleeting moment was gone.

What if you could recapture that remarkable opening, and make it a consistent way of living in the world? Throughout Europe and North America, a man named Eckhart Tolle has emerged as a teacher with the unique ability to draw us into the awakened state he calls “presence.” With Realizing the Power of Now: An In-Depth Retreat with Eckhart Tolle, you have an unparalleled opportunity to immerse yourself in the timeless dimension — “a place within us that always is and ever will be beyond the turmoil of life, a world of calm beyond words, of joy that has no opposite.”
Vikt 700 g
Mediatyp CD-skiva
Artikelkod ENE-1591790719
Författare Eckhart Tolle
Förlag Energica förlag
Utgiven 2003-06-01
Språk Engelska