
Välkommen till Vattumannen esoterisk butik & mötesplats sedan 1972 - Fleminggatan 35, Stockholm
Frakt 49 kr inom Sverige. Fraktfritt vid ordersumma över 650 kr

Magi & Wicca


Strix Craft

1 st i lager
219 kr

Supermarket Magic

I lager
199 kr

Sworn book of honorius - liber iuratus honorii

I lager
399 kr

Tarot Disassembled: (78 Full-Color Cards)

Ännu ej utkommen. Förväntas skickas under v 15
279 kr

Tarot of the Cosmic Seed: (79 Full-Color Cards and 80 Page Booklet)

I lager
299 kr

Tarot Spells

7 st i lager
239 kr

Teen witch - wicca for a new generation

I lager
239 kr

Temple of high witchcraft - ceremonies, spheres and the witches qabalah

I lager
429 kr

The Book of Shadows : Volume 9: A Journal of Magick, Spells, & Rituals

Tillfälligt slut - skickas när den finns i lager.
179 kr

The Complete Magick Curriculum of the Secret Order G.B.G.: Being the Entire Study, Curriculum, Magick Rituals, and Initiatory Practices of the G.B.G (

4 st i lager
349 kr

The Crystal Witch

Förväntas skickas inom 2-4 veckor
199 kr

The Eclectic Witch'S Book Of Shadows : Witchy Wisdom At Your Fingertips

I lager
239 kr

The Healthy Witch

I lager
199 kr

The Hedgewitch Tarot

Ännu ej utkommen. Förväntas skickas under v 23
319 kr

The Illustrated Beast: The Aleister Crowley Scrapbook

I lager
269 kr

The Inner Temple of Witchcraft

I lager
369 kr

The Philosophy of Dark Paganism

I lager
239 kr

The Practical Witch's Love Spell Deck: 100 Spells for Passion, Romance, and Desire

I lager
179 kr 161 kr

The Psychic Spellbook

I lager
219 kr

The Thrifty Witch's Book of Simple Spell P

I lager
219 kr

The Witches' Wisdom Tarot (Standard Edition)

I lager
259 kr 199 kr

The Witch's Altar

I lager
189 kr

The Witch's Book of Spellcraft

I lager
289 kr

The Witch's Broom

I lager
189 kr

The Witch's Complete Guide to Crystals

I lager
179 kr

The Witch's Complete Guide to Tarot Unlock Your Intuition an

I lager
189 kr

The Witch's Guide to the Paranormal

I lager
189 kr

The Witch's Shadow Work Oracle: 40 cards for wandering through the forest of your subconscious

Ännu ej utkommen. Förväntas skickas under v 23
219 kr

The Witch's Way: A Guide to Modern-Day Spellcraft, Nature Magick, and Divination (The Modern-Day Witch)

I lager
199 kr


I lager
199 kr

Vampires - the occult truth

I lager
199 kr

Wicca - a guide for the solitary practitioner

I lager
199 kr

Wicca Book of Spells

I lager
169 kr

Wicca Essential Oils Magic

I lager
169 kr

Wicca for Beginners

I lager
169 kr

Wiccan Feasts, Celebrations, and Rituals: Make the Most of Special Days with Witchy Rites, Decorations, and Herbal Magic Touches

I lager
169 kr

Wiccan Kitchen

I lager
199 kr

Visual Alchemy

I lager
219 kr

Witch life

I lager
219 kr

Witch Of The Forest's Tarot Magick Deck

I lager
299 kr

Witch Wisdom For Magical Aging

I lager
189 kr

Witchcraft - a handbook of magic spells and potions

Ej i lager
169 kr

WitchCraft Cocktails

3 st i lager
179 kr

Witchcraft Kit

I lager
219 kr

Witches Heretics & Warrior Women

I lager
199 kr

Witches spell book - for love, happiness, and success

I lager
89 kr

Witchs athame - the craft, lore, and magick of ritual blades

Förväntas skickas inom 2-4 veckor
189 kr

Witch's Book Of Numbers : Enhance Your Magic with Numerology

I lager
259 kr

Witchs Book of Potions

I lager
189 kr

Witchs book of shadows - the craft, lore and magick of the witchs grimoire

I lager
189 kr

Witchs mirror - the craft, lore and magick of the looking glass

I lager
189 kr

Alchemy And Kabbalah In The Tarot - New Edition

Förväntas skickas inom 2-4 veckor
279 kr

Aleister Crowley In India

Förväntas skickas inom 2-4 veckor
319 kr

An Illuminated Guide To Wicca : A Complete Visual Manual

I lager
219 kr

Ask the Witch

I lager
209 kr

Audacious Action Angels Oracle

I lager
339 kr

Bavarian Illuminati

I lager
1 209 kr

Book of Pagan Rituals

I lager
189 kr

Card of the Day Tarot

I lager
219 kr

Craft - a witchs book of shadows

I lager
219 kr

Crystal awareness

I lager
119 kr

Crystal magic - mineral wisdom for pagans and wiccans

I lager
329 kr

Crystals: An In Focus Workbook

I lager
169 kr

Cunninghams book of shadows - the path of an american traditionalist

I lager
259 kr

Dark Goddess Magick: Rituals and Spells for Reclaiming Your Feminine Fire

I lager
239 kr

Elemental Witchcraft

I lager
339 kr

Enchanted Crystal Magic

I lager
179 kr

Essential golden dawn - an introduction to high magic

I lager
259 kr

Essential Tarot Writings

I lager
179 kr

Everyday Sun Magic: Spells & Rituals for Radiant Living

I lager
159 kr

Fairy Magic, Fairy Magic A Handbook of Spe

I lager
199 kr

Fire Magic

I lager
199 kr

Gaia Alchemy : The Reuniting of Science, Psyche, and Soul

I lager
219 kr

Goddess alive - inviting celtic and norse goddesses into your life

I lager
279 kr

Hedgewitch Botanical Oracle

I lager
359 kr

Herb Magic for Beginners: Down-To-Earth Enchantments

I lager
169 kr

Herbal Magic Journal, Herbal Magic Journal

I lager
169 kr

Hermetic Philosophy And Creative Alchemy

I lager
379 kr

Illuminatorden : det hemliga sällskapet som tog över världen

Ej i lager
259 kr

Imbolc - rituals, recipes and lore for brigids day

Förväntas skickas inom 2-4 veckor
159 kr

Inner temple of witchcraft - magick, meditation and psychic development

I lager
329 kr

Living temple of witchcraft

I lager
329 kr

Magic Seal

I lager
199 kr 149 kr

Magickal Spellcards

Förväntas skickas inom 2-4 veckor
329 kr

Maiden, Mother, Crone Maiden, Mother, Crone: The Myth & Reality of the Triple Goddess the Myth & Reality of the Triple Goddess

I lager
219 kr

Mansions of the Moon for the Green Witch: A Complete Book of Lunar Magic

I lager
249 kr

Meryl Streep Tarot

I lager
239 kr

Middle pillar - the balance between mind and magic

I lager
239 kr

MIXING ESSENTIAL OILS FOR MAGIC: Aromatic Alchemy For Personal Blends

I lager
259 kr

Modern witchcraft book of love spells - your complete guide to attracting p

I lager
169 kr

Moon Magic Journal : Volume 8: Harness the Power of the Lunar Cycles with Guided Rituals, Spells, and Meditations

Ej i lager
149 kr

Moon Magick: Myth & Magic, Crafts & Recipes, Rituals & Spells

I lager
239 kr

Moon spells - how to use the phases of the moon to get what you want

I lager
159 kr

Mystical dragon magick - teachings of the five inner rings

I lager
259 kr

Nightside Of The Runes

Ej i lager
309 kr

Occult - the ultimate book for those who would walk with the gods

I lager
259 kr

Of Blood and Bones

I lager
219 kr

Overthrowing The Old Gods : Aleister Crowley and the Book of the Law

Ej i lager
219 kr

Palm Reading A Little Guide to Life's Secret

I lager
89 kr

Path Of The Warrior Mystic : Being a Man in an Age of Chaos

1 st i lager
189 kr