
Välkommen till Vattumannen esoterisk butik & mötesplats sedan 1972 - Fleminggatan 35, Stockholm
Frakt 49 kr inom Sverige. Fraktfritt vid ordersumma över 650 kr



12 Steps to Raw Foods

I lager
159 kr

21-day yoga body - a metabolic makeover and life-styling manual to get you

I lager
179 kr

365 WAYS TO DEVELOP PSYCHIC ABILITY: Simple Tools To Increase Your Intuition & Clairvoyance

I lager
219 kr

A Concise Dictionary of Buddhism and Zen

I lager
259 kr

A Moment in Time Capsule : Capture the Past to Create a Fore

3 st i lager
149 kr

A Year of Daily Joy

Ej i lager
159 kr

Absolute Beauty: Radiant Skin & Inner Harmony Through...Ayur

Förväntas skickas inom 2-4 veckor
249 kr

Alkaline 5 diet - lose weight, heal your health problems and feel amazing!

Ej i lager
139 kr

Alternative Cures

I lager
109 kr

An A-Z Guide to Healing Foods: A Shopper's Companion

1 st i lager
149 kr

Ancient aliens (tm) - the coloring book

Ej i lager
139 kr

Angel Whispers: Messages of Hope & Healing from Loved Ones

Ej i lager
200 kr

Animal Omens

3 st i lager
169 kr

Archetypes - a beginners guide to your inner-net

I lager
199 kr

Art and Practice of Astral Projection

I lager
189 kr

Art of war

Ej i lager
179 kr

Ask Your Guides: Connecting to Your Divine Support System

Förväntas skickas inom 3-6 veckor
379 kr

Aspect Patterns: What They Reveal & How They Are Triggered

Ej i lager
199 kr

Astrological elements - how fire, earth, air and water influence your life

2 st i lager
209 kr

Astrology for Beginners: A Simple Way to Read Your Chart

Ej i lager
169 kr

Atkins shopping guide

I lager
99 kr

Aura reading for beginners - develop your psychic awareness for health and

I lager
179 kr

Awakened by autism - embracing autism, self and hope for a new world

1 st i lager
289 kr


I lager
229 kr

Beautiful girl - celebrating the wonders of your body

Ej i lager
159 kr

Becoming your best self - the guide to clarity, inspiration and joy

Förväntas skickas inom 2-4 veckor
199 kr

Beginners guide to meditation, a

I lager
179 kr

Being Taoist

Förväntas skickas inom 2-4 veckor
199 kr

Being Upright: Zen Meditation & The Bodhisattva Precepts

Förväntas skickas inom 2-4 veckor
219 kr

Being well (even when youre sick)

Förväntas skickas inom 2-4 veckor
189 kr

Belly fat cure (tm) - discover the new carb swap system (tm) and lose 4 to

Ej i lager
179 kr

Beltane - rituals, recipes and lore for may day

I lager
149 kr

Best tarot practices - everything you need to know to learn the tarot

I lager
269 kr

Beyond The Bleep: The Definitive Guide To "What The Bleep Do

Förväntas skickas inom 2-4 veckor
199 kr

Beyond The House Of The False Lama: Travels With Monks, Noma

1 st i lager
249 kr

Bhakti Flow Yoga

I lager
159 kr

BLISS: Doing Good To Self & Others

Ej i lager
259 kr

Blueprint for your castle in the clouds

Ej i lager
179 kr

Body ecology diet - recovering your health and rebuilding your immunity

Ej i lager
179 kr

Book of afformations (r) - discovering the missing piece to abundant health

Ej i lager
229 kr

Boy who knew too much - an astounding true story of a young boys past-life

Ej i lager
189 kr

Buddha Standard Time: Awakening to the Infinite Possibilities of Now

I lager
189 kr

By Land, Sky & Sea: Three Realms of Shamanic Witchcraft

Ej i lager
189 kr

Calvin and Hobbes: Sunday Pages 1985-1995

Förväntas skickas inom 2-4 veckor
269 kr

Cancer: The Problem & The Solution

Förväntas skickas inom 2-4 veckor
229 kr

Cellular awakening - how your body holds and creates light

I lager
329 kr

Chakra food for optimum health - a guide to the foods that can improve your

Ej i lager
229 kr

Chalice And The Blade: Our History, Our Future

Förväntas skickas inom 2-4 veckor
219 kr

Changing course - inspiration, ideas and insights for starting again from t

1 st i lager
309 kr

Chi Kung for Beginners

Förväntas skickas inom 2-4 veckor
169 kr

Children's Past Lives

I lager
89 kr

Choices - taking control of your life and making it matter

Förväntas skickas inom 2-4 veckor
219 kr

City on Fire

I lager
199 kr

Coloring for Balance

3 st i lager
99 kr

Coloring mandalas for peace - 200 original illustrations

Ej i lager
169 kr

Coloring the sacred feminine

I lager
129 kr


I lager
189 kr

Coming of the cosmic christ

Förväntas skickas inom 2-4 veckor
219 kr

Complete book of auras - learn to see, read, strengthen and heal auras

I lager
199 kr

Complete guide to even more vegan food substitutions

Ej i lager
219 kr

Conversations with God for Teens

5 st i lager
309 kr

Conversations with God for Teens

I lager
209 kr

Course in weight loss - 21 spiritual lessons for surrendering your weight f

I lager
189 kr

Creating Luck

3 st i lager
139 kr

Crystals for energy healing - a practical sourcebook of 100 crystals

Ej i lager
219 kr

Crystals for positive manifestation - a practical sourcebook of 100 crystal

Ej i lager
219 kr

DailyOm : Inspirational Thoughts for a Happy, Healthy and Fulfilling Day

Ej i lager
309 kr

Dalai lama and the king demon - tracking a triple murder mystery through th

Ej i lager
189 kr

Dark Robes, Dark Brothers (B)

Förväntas skickas inom 2-4 veckor
89 kr

Darkside Zodiac

Förväntas skickas inom 3-6 veckor
169 kr

Dear angel lady

I lager
149 kr

Defy gravity - how to heal beyond the boundaries of ordinary reason

Ej i lager
179 kr

Demystifying the out-of-body experience - a practical manual for exploratio

I lager
299 kr

Discover your hidden memory & find the real you

2 st i lager
269 kr

Discovering signs and symbols - unlock the secrets and meanings of these an

Förväntas skickas inom 3-6 veckor
199 kr

Dissolving the ego, realizing the self - contemplations from the teachings

6 st i lager
129 kr

Doctors book of natural health remedies

Ej i lager
259 kr

Dream interpretation for beginners - understand the wisdom of your sleeping

I lager
219 kr

Dreambody in relationships

Förväntas skickas inom 2-4 veckor
219 kr

Dying to wake up - a doctors voyage into the afterlife and the wisdom he br

6 st i lager
309 kr

Effortless Healing

Förväntas skickas inom 2-4 veckor
169 kr

Ego: The Fall of the Twin Towers and the Rise of an Enlightened Humanity

6 st i lager
429 kr

El Libro De Oro

Förväntas skickas inom 2-4 veckor
189 kr

Elemental Shaman: One Man's Journey Into the Heart of Humanity, Spirituality & Ecology

Ej i lager
219 kr

Enchanted Garden

7 st i lager
169 kr

Energetic boundaries - how to stay protected and connected in work, love, a

Ej i lager
279 kr

Energy Secrets: The Ultimate Well-Being Plan

Förväntas skickas inom 3-6 veckor
309 kr

Enneagram Made Easy, The

I lager
219 kr

Enneagram, The

Förväntas skickas inom 2-4 veckor
199 kr

Entangled in Darkness: Seeking the Light

1 st i lager
159 kr

Essential anatomy for healing and martial arts

Ej i lager
339 kr

Essential Mystics, The

Förväntas skickas inom 2-4 veckor
189 kr

Every Little Thing

I lager
159 kr

Everyday wisdom for success

Ej i lager
119 kr

Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming

I lager
99 kr

Familiar Spirits: A Practical Guide for Witches & Magicians

Förväntas skickas inom 2-4 veckor
200 kr

Fear cure - cultivating courage as medicine for the body, mind and soul

Ej i lager
198 kr

Feeling Wisdom : Working with Emotions Using Buddhist Teachings and Western Psychology

Förväntas skickas inom 2-4 veckor
249 kr

Field (The): The Quest For The Secret Force Of The Universe

I lager
199 kr

Finding your way home - a soul survival kit

Förväntas skickas inom 2-4 veckor
159 kr